суббота, 21 ноября 2009 г.

carousal at Babylon. He had no son old enough to succeed him, and his

immense empire was divided among his generals. Ptolemy obtained Egypt

for his share. He repaired immediately to Alexandria, with a great army,

and a great number of Greek attendants and followers, and there

commenced a reign which continued, in great prosperity and splendor, for

сорок лет. The native Egyptians were reduced, of course, to subjection

and bondage. All the offices in the army, and all stations of trust and

responsibility in civil life, were filled by Greeks. Alexandria was a

Greek city, and it became at once one of the most important commercial

centers in all those seas. Greek and Roman travelers found now a

language spoken in Egypt which they could understand, and philosophers

and scholars could gratify the curiosity which they had so long felt, in

respect to the institutions, and monuments, and wonderful physical

characteristics of the country, with safety and pleasure. In a word, the

organization of a Greek government over the ancient kingdom, and the

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